Study Guide

Field 101: Chinese (Mandarin)
Written Performance

Sample Directions for Written Performance

This section of the test consists of two written assignments. You should use your time to plan, write, review, and edit your responses to the assignments. Read the assignments carefully before you begin to write. Think about how you will organize your responses.

Your responses must be written in the target language. Your final response must be written on the response sheets (2 for each written assignment) provided. Please label your response sheets with the appropriate assignment (e.g., "Written Expression Assignment 1"). Your response sheets must be scanned using the scanner provided at your workstation.

Instructions for scanning your Response Sheets are available by clicking the "Scanning Help" button at the top of the screen.

You may use the erasable notebooklet to make notes, write an outline, or otherwise prepare your responses. However, your final responses to the assignments must be written on the response sheets and scanned using the scanner provided.

A list of suggestions is provided to help direct your responses for the assignments. It is not necessary that you cover every point on the list, nor are you limited in your responses to those points indicated. You are, however, required to write about the general assignments that you are given, and part of your score will be based on the degree to which you elaborate on the assignments by addressing either the suggested points or points of your choosing.

Your responses will be evaluated on the basis of the following criteria.

Be sure to write about the assigned topics. You may not use any reference materials during the test. Your written responses should be your original work, written in your own words, and should not be copied or paraphrased from some other work. Remember to review your work and make any changes you think will improve your responses.

Any time spent responding to the assignments, including scanning the response sheet(s), is part of your testing time. Monitor your time carefully. When your testing time expires, a pop-up message will appear on-screen indicating the conclusion of your test session. Only response sheets that are scanned before you end your test or before time has expired will be scored. Any response sheet that is not scanned before testing ends will NOT be scored.

Select the Next button to continue.

Sample Written Performance Assignment A

Imagine that you have a Chinese acquaintance who is a teacher in China and who is collecting stories to share with her class. She sends you an e-mail asking you to describe a memorable experience you had while studying a language other than your home language. Writing in Chinese, respond to the e mail. In your response, you may wish to include, but are not limited to, the following:

Your response must be written in Chinese characters (Traditional or Simplified).

Sample Response for Written Performance Assignment A



??????????, ????????,?????????????????,????????,????????????,???????????,???????????





??????????, ????????,?????????????????,????????,????????????,???????????,???????????



Sample Written Performance Assignment B

Imagine that you would like to attend a seminar for teachers of Chinese that is being held in Tientsin. As part of your application for the seminar, you need to write a short essay about what you think are the most important benefits people receive from traveling to a country other than their own. Writing in Chinese for an audience of educated adults, discuss your opinions on this topic. In your response, you may wish to include, but are not limited to, the following:

Your response must be written in Chinese characters (Traditional or Simplified).

Sample Response for Written Performance Assignment B



?????,????????????????????NO,?????????????????????YES,?????????NO,??????????????? ???????,?????,?????????YES,?????????










Performance Characteristics for the Written Performance Assignment

Development fullness of development of topic
Communication effectiveness of communication, including sociocultural appropriateness
Coherence coherence and flow of language
Vocabulary command of vocabulary and idiomatic expressions
Syntax and Grammar command of syntax and grammatical structures
Mechanics command of spelling, diacritical marks, and punctuation

Score Scale for the Written Performance Assignment

The four points of the score scale correspond to varying degrees of performance. The following statements describe typical responses at each score point.

Score Point Score Point Description
4 The "4" response gives evidence of strong skills of written expression.
  • The candidate fully addresses the assigned topic, through narratives, descriptions, and arguments. The candidate develops the topic by extensive elaboration of specific points written in a series of paragraphs.
  • The message is effectively communicated in a socioculturally appropriate manner that demonstrates a strong awareness of writing for a variety of specific audiences.
  • The candidate's ideas are clearly presented and well organized; the flow of language is smooth, transitions are effective, and cohesive devices are controlled.
  • The vocabulary used reflects a precise, varied, and broad command of the language and use of appropriate idiomatic expressions.
  • There is control of grammar with only minor syntax errors that do not interrupt communication. The candidate exhibits command of verb forms and all time frames, and uses a variety of well-constructed sentences, demonstrating command of subordination.
  • Spelling, diacritical marks, and punctuation are mastered, although not perfect.
3 The "3" response gives evidence of satisfactory skills of written expression.
  • The candidate adequately addresses the assigned topic, through simple summaries and factual narratives and descriptions. The candidate develops the topic by some elaboration of specific points in texts of paragraph length and structure.
  • The message is generally effective although command of sociocultural aspects of the language may be uneven. Writing shows a satisfactory sense of audience.
  • The candidate generally communicates clearly; awkwardness in organization or flow of language does not impede communication. The candidate is generally able to combine and link sentences and to incorporate some cohesive devices.
  • Vocabulary and idiomatic expressions are generally effective.
  • There is sustained control of simple linguistic constructions and grammar but uneven command of more complex constructions, including subordination; the candidate exhibits satisfactory control of verb forms and can narrate and describe in different time frames.
  • The writer may make some errors in spelling, diacritical marks, and punctuation.
2 The "2" response gives evidence of limited skill in written expression.
  • The candidate addresses the assigned topic in a limited way through simple summaries, descriptions, and narrations of paragraph length. The candidate provides minimal elaboration.
  • The message is somewhat effective and may reveal some sociocultural inappropriateness. Writing shows some sense of audience.
  • The candidate's ideas may be unclear; the flow of language may be intermittently uneven. The candidate has some ability to connect sentences into paragraphs and uses a limited number of repetitive cohesive devices.
  • Vocabulary and idiomatic expressions are somewhat effective, but may be simple and repetitive.
  • Grammatical presentation is flawed, even though information may be advanced; the candidate exhibits some control over simple and complex linguistic constructions, including subordination. There is evidence of lack of control of verb forms; the candidate uses different time frames, but inaccurately and inconsistently.
  • While showing some control of mechanics, the candidate regularly makes errors in spelling, diacritical marks, and punctuation
1 The "1" response gives evidence of a lack of skill in written expression.
  • The candidate ineffectively addresses the assigned topic, using only statements, questions, short messages, and notes. The candidate provides virtually no elaboration or text of paragraph length and structure.
  • The message fails to communicate effectively and demonstrates little or no sociocultural appropriateness. The writing shows little or no sense of audience.
  • The candidate's ideas are confused and lack organization; flow of language is consistently uneven; the candidate is largely unable to combine and link sentences or to incorporate cohesive devices.
  • Command of vocabulary and idiomatic expressions is inadequate.
  • Errors in grammar, syntax, and verb formation are numerous and impede communication. The candidate shows little control of simple linguistic structures, no control of more complex structures, and is unable to narrate or describe in basic time frames.
  • Mistakes in spelling, diacritical marks, and punctuation are so numerous and serious that little communication is possible.
U The response is "unscorable" because it is not on the given topic, illegible, not in the appropriate language, or too short to score.
B There is no response to the assignment.